At Temple Human Performance (THP) we specialize in * PHYSIOKINETIX TECHNIQUES (PKT) for Chronic and Debilitating Pain, * Sports Injuries (exercise rehab), * Athletic Performance (working with pro athletes, and taking amateurs to pro level), * Mobilization Therapies * Nutrition & Weight Control, * Mentorship Programs & Seminars.
PKT bridges manual therapy, neuroscience, and exercise science, on and off the table, for transference and self-efficacy. These integrated techniques create neuroplasticity as they regenerate the soft tissues and mediate pain. Treatment will improve muscular balance and alignment for optimal body performance, helping you recover from chronic pain or injury without surgery. Therapists focus on the muscles, joints, and nerves of the body to eliminate pain and improve mobility.
PKT works to break the pain cycles by combining muscle balance routines with unique joint-capsule maneuvers to eliminate pain caused by repetitive strain patterning. Instead of the typical approach to chasing pain, we look for causation and design a specific treatment plan to your complaint or injury.
EVALUATIONS | Are you ready to perform your best every day? At THP, we review a thorough history and personal assessment for each client. We look for causation instead of chasing the pain, and then we design a treatment specific to the complaint or injury. These 30 min evaluations are free!
CLINICAL TREATMENTS | THP helps people of all ages find alternatives to surgical or pharmaceutical options by treating underlying patterns and issues. Manual Therapy is one of the most effective strategies for recovery. Clients with chronic and acute pain see significant improvement with PKT.
THP helps clients with:
- Neck, low back & sacroiliac pain
- Degenerative hip conditions
- Tendinitis and muscle strain
- Plantar fasciitis and gait problems
- Nerve Impingement syndrome
- Scoliosis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Headache and TMJ syndrome
- Rotator cuff and other joint injuries
- Dowager’s hump
- Hiatal hernias
- Repetitive strain patterning
- Central sensitization
Nutrition in combination with PhysioKinetix Manual Therapy and Rehabilitative Exercise:
Increases range of motion and flexibility for less energy expenditure
Decreases recovery time from injury and workouts
Reduces anxiety and mental and physical stress
Increases circulation – enhance healing
Eliminates chronic and acute orthopedic conditions in place of surgery