Strong Roots Resources - Kerry Brown

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Knoxville, TN, USA
800 Lee Highway Knoxville Tennessee 37902 US

My name is Kerry Brown and over a 13 year period I turned a small urban lot into a productive space that included edible, medicinal and pollinator gardens, small livestock and wildlife habitat with ponds, various composting systems and rainwater catchment. Over time, all of these elements were integrated into a closed loop system. In October 2020, we moved to a larger space and are expanding our production plans on several acres of property. We are taking the lessons learned from urban homesteading and scaling it up for larger regenerative practices to include tractoring systems for livestock, animal fodder systems, a quail aviary all while applying soil regenerative processes.  All of my knowledge has been earned from personal experience and practice, along with serving on farm workshare programs and with volunteer organizations. While I do not have a permaculture design certificate, I do implement sustainable practices and follow the general guidelines of that method, including soil conservation and regeneration, companion planting, guild formation and appropriate water management.

Job Title
Edible Landscape Designer and Consultant
Member Since
Logo SR PNG.png 2 years ago
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Strong Roots Final PNG.png 2 years ago
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