This listing has been expired.
Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type
This listing has been expired.
CHEO of Greater Knoxville Area is a non-profit, 501(c)3 educational organization, whose purpose is offering education about alternative, natural and complementary health modalities. We provide a Member Directory so the public can easily access information about local alternative healthcare providers and services.
Our organization makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy or suitability of any information contained therein. Information provided via the CHEO of Greater Knoxville Area website, newsletter, programs, or other forms of communication do not constitute medical advice or treatment and is not intended to replace the patient/physician relationship or a physician’s professional judgment.
CHEO of Greater Knoxville Area expressly disclaims all liability for any and all treatment, diagnosis, decisions and/or actions taken or not taken as result of the information provided. Information presented here is for educational purposes only.